Geekerwan’s modification demonstrates the possibilities of the Nintendo Switch when its limitations are pushed. Nevertheless, the console shows potential for handling lightweight 2D/isometric games that do not require powerful hardware. Even reducing the rendering resolution does not have a significant impact due to CPU limitations. This falls short of providing a truly playable experience.

However, the frame rate leaves much to be desired, ranging from 5 to 30 FPS depending on the game. Surprisingly, the console is capable of running some modern titles like Titanfall 2 and God of War. By installing Ubuntu, Geekerwan gains access to the Steam software, allowing native support for certain games. The Nintendo Switch features an NVIDIA Tegra X1 processor with ARM Cortex-A57 CPU cores and ARM Cortex-A53 CPU cores, along with an NVIDIA Maxwell-based GPU. This boost in performance has been demonstrated in synthetic tests performed on the Android operating system. Additionally, the memory subsystem has been overclocked from 1600 MHz to 2500 MHz. The console’s original 1.0 GHz CPU and 768 MHz GPU are significantly boosted to a 2.3 GHz CPU and 1.267 GHz GPU. One notable achievement during the modification process is the ability to overclock the Nintendo Switch’s CPU and GPU. Geekerwan takes it a step further by adding the Ubuntu operating system, which unleashes the true power of the console and opens up possibilities like installing Steam game launcher. The first step in this process involves unlocking the bootloader and installing the Android operating system on the console. YouTuber Geekerwan has demonstrated the modification process of transforming a Nintendo Switch to play PC games. The Nintendo Switch console has shown the possibility of running modern PC games, albeit with some limitations in terms of frame rate.